Midland Youth Orchestra Alumni
Please update your details!

We would like to keep in touch with as many past MYO players as possible so that we can contact you from time to time with MYO news. We will also get in touch should a reunion be under consideration for your decade of membership.

Please take a few moments to update us by completing the form below and then click on the 'Submit Form' button. To keep administration costs to a minimum, the majority of communications to MYO alumni will be via email, so please ensure you include an up-to-date email address.

Many thanks for your help!

Stephen Williams, Chairman (1994-2004)
Anthony Bradbury, Music Director (2000-2004)
Caroline Jephcott, Hon. Secretary (1997-2001)
Colin Butterworth, Trumpet (1965-73)
Lesley Leigh (née Stormont), Hon. Secretary (1962-67)

* = Mandatory entry






